Residential Students: Residential students are those who reside in St. Clement College forming a community of brothers belonging to the different dioceses of North East India and also from other dioceses and congregations.
Day Scholars: Day scholars are those who attend the academic programme of the institute but have their residence elsewhere, outside St. Clement College.
At the end of every academic year all students who wish to continue their studies in St. Clement College for the following academic year, must file their Registration papers with the St. Clement College office by 15th May.
All new students, who have secured admission to St. Clement College, must file their Registration papers with a fee with the St. Clement College Office by the 10th July.
The Registration fee for all students is Rs. 100 each.
For admission to the three year degree course in philosophy (under Assam Don Bosco University), the applicant should be holding at least a Pre- University/Plus Two certificate or its equivalent from any standard board recognized by the government/university. Students coming from outside ofAssam must bring their migration certificate from the respective boards. Along with it, they must possess sound moral and physical health.
A student must be presented either by the bishop (if the candidate is a diocesan) or by his/her Major Religious Superior, as the case maybe.
The students on securing admission to the Institute are to fill in theirAdmission Forms and submit the same at the office with the prescribed fee by the time of the inauguration of the new academic year as notified in the Calendar.
St. Clement College has five working days a week (Mon- Fri), Saturday and Sunday are without the regular class. These days are considered study days to be used for extra-reading in the field of the subjects that are being treated in the classes to supplement and to acquire a deeper understanding of the same. This time could also be partly used for pursuing extra-curricular activities, such as music and language studies, that will enhance one's personal development. The occurrence of more than one holiday a week may make the Saturday of the week a working day.
All students residing at St. Clement College must be present at the common study hall during the study hours. No exceptions will be granted. However, if one is not able to come on a particular day, prior permission must be obtained from the Dean of Studies.
Lectures are held from Monday - Friday and there will be five lectures every day. The schedule of the lectures are:
Lecture I 08.20AM - 09.00AM
Lecture II 09.05 AM - 09.55AM
Lecture III 10.00AM - 10.50AM
Interval/Break 10.50AM - 11.10AM
Lecture IV 11.10AM - 12.00PM
Lecture V 12.05PM - 12.55PM
In case of certain necessities, the lectures may be arranged in the afternoon too.
B.A. Philosophy programme at St. Clement College has a duration of three years and each academic year is divided into two semesters - thus, six semesters in all. Each semester has six courses and therefore, six exams.
Formal exams are required for all courses. Assam Don Bosco University holds the right to conduct and arrange the timetable for the end semester exams. The results of the end semester exams will be announced at the end of every semester by the University and will be handed down to the students once they are back after the break/holidays.
Those who fail to secure at least a pass in the examination of a particular subject, will have to re-appear for the same examination at the University. The University conducts the re-exams during the next respective semester at the following year.
The institution as a policy, makes no provision for any student who has secured at least a pass in a particular subject , to go for re-examination in the same subject, in view of improving his/her grade. Any exception in this regard can be made only by the Dean of Studies.
Besides the University subjects, there will be additional subjects taught here in the Institute. These subjects are evaluated internally and the marks will be recorded and the certificates will be issued. It is mandatory to secure pass marks in these subjects to complete the B.A. Philosophy programme at St. Clement College to pursue their further ecclesiastical studies.
Students doing their regular B.A. Philosophy programme under Assam Don Bosco University and hence follows the University fee structure. The University offers a discounted fee structure for the students of St. Clement College.
Every semester the students must pay a semester fee and exam fee. This fee can be revised by the university from time to time. Currently, the semester fee is Z .4800/- and the exam fee is Z .1000/-. Besides these, the newly admitted students must pay a University registration fee of Z .750/- as well.
For Day scholars, an amount of Z . 6000/- per year will be charged towards registration fee, library fee and tuition fee.
The students must attend all lectures and carry out all prescribed academic assignments and exercises. For any period of absence, the Dean of Studies is to be informed through a letter countersigned by the respective House Rector or Superior.
Applications of longer periods of leave duly countersigned by the respective House Rector or Superior are to be made in writing to the Dean of Studies at least three days in advance. Unjustified absence will not be excused and may even lead to a student being debarred from the examinations.
Should a candidate be absent from lectures and academic exercises for more than a third of the semester, even if it is for legitimate reason, he/she shall repeat the semester. As a rule no exceptions shall be made to this.
Any student who fails more than two subjects in a semester shall repeat the semester. He/she will not be allowed to continue at St. Clement College and has to go back to their respective dioceses or congregations.
For any type of copying or of plagiarism (in the case of assignments), an assignment or examination is declared invalid and the student is debarred from St. Clement College for up to three years. For tampering with answer scripts returned to the students and altering the marks (in the case of Class tests and internal exams), the examination is declared invalid and the student is debarred from St. Clement College for up to five years. The decision of the Rector of the St. Clement College is final in these disciplinary matters.